. They recently held a conference in Cambridge which I was unable to attend but which I followed via twitter and the web. I collected some highlights into the following
[View the story "Cambridge 2012" on Storify ]Cambridge 2012 Innovation and Impact - Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education Storified by Ben Samuels · Thu, Apr 19 2012 05:00:15
jointly organised by the
OCW Consortium and
SCORE (Support Centre for Open Resources in Education)
This Storify has selected tweets from the conference loosely organized into sections of presenters, posters, resources and discussions. There are several pages, so if you're interested in seeing it all, be sure to keep clicking "read next page" at the bottom (and leave a comment if you like it)
Key Resources
Sir John Daniel Keynote Sir John Daniel delivering keynote on UNESCO/COL World OER Congress at http://cambridge2012.org #Cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/DBIworbgAbel Caine Fiji
Sir John Daniel's keynote on high level policy making and #OER. #cam12 #ocwcglobal http://pic.twitter.com/G29z4GZtOCW Consortium
Text and slides available at http://www.col.org/resources/speeches/2012presentations/Pages/2012-04-17.aspx #cam12ORBIT
OH Sir John "shows personal commitment to life long learning by taking 25 years to complete a part time masters degree" #cam12gregory doyle
http://is.gd/hPLTB7 Fostering Governmental Support for Open Educational Resources Internationally (EUROPE) by sir John Daniel #oer #cam12Ignasi Labastida
RT @gedoyle: "HE should now invest in clicks rather than bricks" @SirJohn #cam12Frederik Truyen
MQB blog of Sir John's #Cambridge2012 #cam12 keynote is at http://www.medev.ac.uk/blog/megans-blog/2012/apr/17/sir-john-daniel-speaking-at-cambridge/ #oer #ukoerMegan Baxter
#cam12 #opencontent Sir John: Governments have intense interest in economic impacts of OER.TJ Bliss
Daniel: Most government representatives have little idea of what the term open licensing means. #cam12Lorna M. Campbell
Daniel: OER should be an expression of worldwide diversity and culture. #cam12Lorna M. Campbell
Daniel: flow of oer is now truly multidimensional and global #cam12Lorna M. Campbell
OH @SirJohn #cam12 the OER initiatives would be more sustainable if governments had more policies on OERgregory doyle
Resources produced with public funds should be Open
Encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. Yes!!!! Sir John #cam12Frederik Truyen
Paris Declaration on OER: "open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds" #cam12Bjoern Hassler
#unesco paris declaration "governments will" can you MAKE goverments do anything? #cam12 Sir Johngregory doyle
#unesco paris decl want to "forster emergence of strategic alliances on OER" #cam12gregory doyle
@gedoyle : Hence it is a movement- will take a lot to encourage them. Like a revolution, don't you think? #cam12Yvette Nicole Adams
UNESCO Draft Declaration
Paris declaration on OER (v3 draft) http://twitpic.com/9atgp9 #cam12Jackie Carter
version 3 of draft declaration (10th April) is available from here http://bit.ly/HEq9tJ #cam12Martin Hawksey
#unesco #cam12 paris decl here http://oercongress.weebly.com/paris-declaration.htmlOpen.Michigan
I'll admit to being very unsure about this #unesco declaration. It puts OER in a special category, external to mainstream practice #cam12David Kernohan
Dr. Nick Pearce .@drnickpearce everybody is doing OER without knowing it. Is our priority to tell them that they are doing OER or to support them? #cam12David Kernohan
We've seen in the UK (http://bit.ly/HYF0BG) that practice with OER is a small subset of a wider culture of reuse #cam12David Kernohan
RT @ambrouk: #cam12 @drnickpearce has invented the idea of clickolage <- i like it #clickolage ... matches the ideas around remix platformsKatherine Fletcher
RT @philosopher1978: #cam12 Do you have evidence of OER successes/failures? Please add them to the OER Evidence Hub at http://ci.olnet.org/ so all can use... RTWillem vanValkenburg
OER in China
RT @abelcaine @drnickpearce http://iite.unesco.org/publications/3214700/ #cam12 report on oer in china :-)Nick Pearce
OCW Awards
Fabulous location for the reception and ACE-awards ceremony of #cam12: http://pic.twitter.com/cSeJlBC9Willem vanValkenburg
The ACE-awards went to these people this year: http://ocwconsortium.org/en/community/blog/2012/04/16/ocw-consortium-announces-2012-winners-of-course-awards-for-opencourseware-excellence/ #cam12 #ocwglobal #ocwcWillem vanValkenburg
Congratulations to Gina Ziervogel of #UCT winner of OCW award for her open course on environmental change http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/Science/Vulnerability-to-environmental-change #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
Great! UCT opencontent course wins its 2nd award at OCW #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
Other Presentations & Sessions Videos of lectures:
Presentations emerging from #ocwcglobal #cam12 http://bit.ly/IlGZOXOCW Consortium
tweets and pics from some of the sessions:
@Czernie , @cgreen , M. Forward, McAndrew, P, Murry J discuss the "Future of Open Education" #cam12 #final #sessionYvette Nicole Adams
#cam12 all presentations from week will appear here http://presentation.ocwconsortium.org/ and #oerJoe Wilson
@Pete_Howard Stephen Gomez on CPD #oer #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/HwxzS1PcTim Seal
my #cam12 #jlern #learningreg presentation (blog post/full paper coming) Capturing Conversations, Context and Curricula http://www.slideshare.net/morageyrie/capturing-conversations-context-and-curricula-the-jlern-experiment-and-the-learning-registryMorag Eyrie
And here's Patrina #cam12 #b2sOER http://yfrog.com/h2d75anjBrandon Muramatsu
Steve Stapleton on PARIS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/open/parisproject/paris.aspx #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/FIY4ba8ITim Seal
Presenting on OER and Quantitative Social Science today at #cam12. Slides here http://slidesha.re/I23XLSJackie Carter
Having given our talk at #cam12, we've put some further links and the conference presentation here http://orbit.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/OCW2012Bjoern Hassler
Learning about JLern with @morageyrie http://bit.ly/J5ih6w #cam12David Kernohan
Tomorrow, 17th of April, @cristobalcobo will present the #oportunidadproject http://goo.gl/K3RJI at the Cambridge 2012 Conference #cam12Cristina Stefanelli
First case of #oer graffiti from Steve Stapleton #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/WaheQOOnTim Seal
In the Bridge to Success session at #cam12 - repurposing OU #oers for use in US to improve college completion rateshttp://b2s.aacc.edu/nataliafay
Project links for "walled garden session" http://bit.ly/JbOqXc and http://bit.ly/m9EMmQ #cam12David Kernohan
I am presenting on $2Billion Dept. of Labor grant (CC BY license requirement) today #cam12 at 2:00pm http://tinyurl.com/cgelkv8 #openpolicy #oerCable Green
@openpad and Rob speaking on OLNet and #b2sOER at #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/qbp7k8GeBrandon Muramatsu
OER-enhanced curriculum - #cam12 - SCORE Ming Nie, University of Leicester http://pic.twitter.com/xjxV4dmDChris Follows
#cam12 atkinson et al talking about opennish educational practices it is phased approach not 1 step #oer perfectionVicki McGarvey
#cam12 multimedia & web 2 platforms easier for capturing tacit knowledge atkinson et alVicki McGarvey
V Rolfe OER12 Conference Search Engine Optim... http://www.slideshare.net/viv_rolfe/v-rolfe-oer12-conference-search-engine-optimisation-17april2012 via @slideshare #cam12 #oerDr Vivien Rolfe
many thanks to all participant at my presentation for this wonderful discussion. for all others: slides are here http://is.gd/ClR4K8 #cam12markusmind
The panel at #cam12 @openpad @cgreen @Czernie Judith Murray and Mary Lou http://pic.twitter.com/ftTlgGljTim Seal
#cam12 closing plenary panel - speakers address their ideas of the Future of Open Education. #ocwcglobal http://pic.twitter.com/pvoUn46xOCW Consortium
#oer13 announced #cam12 @oer13 @OpenEG http://pic.twitter.com/SngIdn5ZTim Seal
Posters My poster at Cambridge2012 #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/qRYi3YYCJulian Prior
#cam12 Pictures of the poster sessions are online on http://wfvv.eu/HL3o6FWillem vanValkenburg
http://yfrog.com/moxzdwbj #cam12 best poster!David Kernohan
My vote for best poster at #cam12 @jennymgray http://pic.twitter.com/dIcdionwBrandon Muramatsu
Mobile xerte #oer #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/xkpGst4XTim Seal
Researcher Development Framework from "OER for Development of doctoral students and researchers"w/s. #ocwcglobal #cam12 http://pic.twitter.com/uZ5nRoqqOCW Consortium
“@bmuramatsu: My vote for best poster at #cam12 @jennymgray http://twitter.com/bmuramatsu/status/191885457678798848/photo/1” Moodle 2 for OER check it out @nrparmarJulian Prior
DeFT team are getting ready to talk about the project http://www.ucel.ac.uk/oer12/abstracts/227.html #cam12DeFT OER3 project
#cam12 why not come to the Bowlett Room and hear about some OER practice in Cambridge with @TeresaConnolly and others? http://bit.ly/IRjnkqDavid Kernohan
Thanks to all those braving the Armitage room today at 9:10, the participation and feedback. MQB slides at http://www.medev.ac.uk/static/uploads/resources/oer/PublishOER/Cambridge2012__MQB_Ncl_PublishOER_2012-04-18.ppt #cam12Megan Baxter
Other Events Very happy to be at #cam12. Some of you here may be interested in Drawing on All Resources @artsbrighton in May: http://arts.brighton.ac.uk/whats-on/gallery-theatre/calendar-page-text?SQ_CALENDAR_VIEW=event&SQ_CALENDAR_EVENT_ID=62881&SQ_CALENDAR_DATE=2012-05-16Debbie Flint
Blog Posts Blogged: Cambridge 2012: Conference Review - Day One http://bit.ly/IxF1uf #cam12 #oernataliafay
Discussion I think @Czernie is about to say the #oer movement is not the Messiah (agree), announced herself as the sober voice of oer #cam12Terese Bird
"Self-directed learners are low hanging fruit" says @ambrouk at #cam12David Kernohan
If we treat OER like a start-up we will do none of the things that @czernie is saying. So we should do all of them #cam12David Kernohan
@cgreen says, why re-create the wheel? Be smart with what we have. Open policy important in identifying what we need. #cam12 #ocwcglobalOCW Consortium
The open movement is just a sticking plaster on the dehabilitating cultural wound that is IPR. #someonehastosayit #cam12David Kernohan
people are still looking for credentials #cam12 true, for momentgregory doyle
#cam12 don't let the successes of early adopter self directed digitally literate students stand in proxy for the success of more typical pplamber thomas
#sotrue @JackieCarter:one of the dangers of OER - thinking everyone thinks like we do. Lots of others should join the table. Agree. #cam12”Sophie Touzé
@Czernie - being vocal and blunt about the divides and what the dangers are for #Open #cam12 "free vs paid for, who creates what."Yvette Nicole Adams
#cam12 yes yes yes to @Czernie 's take on all of thisamber thomas
I think @Czernie is about to say the #oer movement is not the Messiah (agree), announced herself as the sober voice of oer #cam12Terese Bird
P2P 'success stories'...students getting jobs..happened without acceditation (P2P offers none). Students learnt,gained confidence. #cam12Terese Bird
Fascinating talk by Savithri about hierarchical culture in India and unwillingness to share information... v deeply entrenched #cam12Gabi Witthaus
so is the purpose of OER to build a library of "high quality" learning resources? Or is there another angle? #cam12David Kernohan
How do u create a culture of contribution? #cam12 I find people use and reuse- but do not publish and share again.Yvette Nicole Adams
Gary Matkin - Encourage open examples of people producing and publishing oer in your institution, demonstrate examples. yes our aim #cam12Chris Follows
#OEru model: free and lower cost education to masses – free access to courseware, free or fee paid support and fee assessment #cam12gregory doyle
Stavros points out that new players are now in the education world eg the telecommunications sector #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
boiler plate of competencies, certification and accreditation standards in an open context in competition with traditional values? #cam12Giota Alevizou
RT @ellen_marie: "Real place for OERs is solving major world problems" #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
RT @ellen_marie: "Real place for OERs is solving major world problems" #cam12Saylor Foundation
major blocks for #OERu - assessment, accreditation and credit transfer #cam12gregory doyle
RT @dkernohan: We're at an "inflexion point" in education and openness #cam12Elpida Makriyanni
RT @dkernohan What does the "inevitability of open education" mean for institutions? #cam12Ben Harwood
#OERu cost to learner less than 25% of usual fees, cost to institution shd be less than 0.5% of usual offerings says @twitthaus #cam12Terese Bird
@JackieCarter @twitthaus Good question, we know what it is in UK...£9M annually. Higher in North America #cam12Terese Bird
RT @dkernohan: COMMODIFICATION of Education. Yes. #cam12Cable Green
Gary Matkin: education is a commodity. It's a bad word to use with educators, but it is true. #cam12David Kernohan
#cam12 - bays - walled garden between HE & Schools - needs more cross-fertilisation between the sectorsVicki McGarvey
The value of open and online edu becomes clear when one hears of the millions of people who live where there are few professors #cam12Ellen Marie Murphy
RT @gedoyle: oh happy to be talking to each other rather than being talked to all the time #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
Chris Follows: Staff and students at the University of the Arts London shunning the VLE and going off and creating their own stuff #cam12Julian Prior
For many #OER &#ocw isn't about licensing but access and quality, need to drop jargon and look at pedagogy. #cam12Emily P Rodgers
Abt 75% of students from Queensland, Cape Town, Michigan, Valencia never heard of OCW #oer #cam12 50% of Mich instructors never heard of itTerese Bird
Top down policy to support OER is not useful, rather focus on getting rid of barriers says Derby at #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
#cam12 students struggle with scholarly citation let alone oer citationMartin Hawksey
@mhawksey Is that the fault of students, OER or citation conventions? #cam12Nigel Robertson
#oer research #cam12 how do you get other disciplines to engage in it rather than it just being of interest to learning techs & OER champsVicki McGarvey
#cam12 "Present education systems are not sustainable, not scalable for universal education." #oer will be part of the solution.Yvette Nicole Adams
OH using material instead of dev your own make you feel less prepared / less confident #oer #cam12gregory doyle
RT @twitthaus: Rory McGreal: There are no chaste minds. Minds copulate whenever they meet (despite copyright laws) :-D #cam12Daniel Dominguez
RT @FredTruyen: Encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. Yes!!!! Sir John #cam12michaelschiltz
Great! UCT opencontent course wins its 2nd award at OCW #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
A lot of people are doing #OER without knowing #OER > so focus on awareness #cam12Willem vanValkenburg
RT @gedoyle: what is #OERu – more than a consortium. A network of nodes, a framework < the #cam12 twitter community http://hawksey.info/gexf-js/index.html#cam12.gexfMartin Hawksey
RT @saylordotorg: "Students don’t mind whether it’s OER or not: they just want good quality content" #cam12Stephen Wilson
“@Czernie: OER is presently like tacit knowledge, needs to be made explicit #cam12”Sophie Touzé
#cam12 our role as Open education : from visionary to predictor, from periphery to core, from optimist to leaderSophie Touzé
#cam12 - matkin - teaching learning will not go away - don't think role of instructor is less important - someone to lead awayVicki McGarvey
enabling environment vs trying to enforce academics to share- this is the ethos of @openuct #cam12 #UCT #oerYvette Nicole Adams
We aim to rather create a broader enabling environment that rewards teaching- it goes beyond openness and oer- @Czernie #cam12 #UCTYvette Nicole Adams
#cam12 thanks @cablegreen "one barrier to #OER is teachers'belief their resources are not enough good. But ok for their students :-) ? "Sophie Touzé
limited resources for now limits focus to teaching material &licensing #cam12 #uct - look towards to software interactivity in future #cam12Yvette Nicole Adams
Academics need to be bit humble- there is always someone who take take your material to the next level.And that's ok- C. Green #cam12 #UCTYvette Nicole Adams
Quality issue is a big issue when sharing. People use material within the classroom- but sharing forces an increase in quality #cam12 #uctYvette Nicole Adams
UCT students got paid to create #OER out of their lecturers' materials. They said they would have done it without pay :-) #cam12Gabi Witthaus
Students saw dev OER as part of community service #cam12Ellen Marie Murphy
Liking this use of the concept of #bildung to characterise individual, self-determined, education #cam12David Kernohan
giving control over uploading of #oer to academics increase the speed of material going up #cam12 @cherylhwgregory doyle
RT @saylordotorg: "In the next 10 years, it will be a danger to institutions if they do not adapt an open education policy" #cam12qu3stor
@cgreen is even more ambitious than me about driving down the cost of texts #cam12 #ukoer #oer okay for new stuff but what about historicalMegan Baxter
how to facilitate #oer reuse as its being finished? @cgreen #cam12gregory doyle
Resources #cam12 top twitter conversationalists @dkernohan @gedoyle @bmuramatsu @Tim10101 http://hawksey.info/tagsexplorer/?key=0AqGkLMU9sHmLdEoxQzFDRXNJbWZ4QVc1TWY1RUlqS2c&sheet=oaw http://pic.twitter.com/RHMAllcMMartin Hawksey
UK OpenSource assessment engine recommend: Rogo developed by Simon Wilkinson and Reg Dennick at Nottingham #cam12 #oer http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/teaching/resources/tools/rogo.aspxMegan Baxter
Our #ukoer impact report is one of the most cited papers at #cam12. Well done @askawild! http://bit.ly/rc8TwuLTG Oxford
http://opencourselibrary.org #cam12David Kernohan
RT @dkernohan: http://opencourselibrary.org #cam12gregory doyle
“@joecar: Check out this SlideShare presentation : Creative Commons and the Department of Labor... http://www.slideshare.net/cgreen/creative-commons-and-the-department-of-labor-us2-billion-grant-program” #cam12Tim Seal
#UCT - http://openuct.uct.ac.za/ http://www.cet.uct.ac.za/oer and http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/ #UCT's directory. Check it out #cam12 !Yvette Nicole Adams
He's quoting from the #ukoer LOERL literature review on OER impact on learner http://bit.ly/IlgIAg #cam12David Kernohan
#cam12 My Cloud on Markus Deimann's presentation on #bildung http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/6249 #oerRobert Farrow
#cam12 http://bit.ly/o8ueEx edupunk guide looking fwd to seeing ppt slides missed this yesterdayVicki McGarvey
#cam12 for megan's session: Romeo publisher OA policies http://bit.ly/16YfW0 Alternative Formats Publisher Look-Up http://bit.ly/IXI82Wamber thomas
RT @mdeimann: references to the article by martin trow on universal access http://is.gd/NRBbV3 #cam12 amazing predicationsRobert Farrow
MT @philosopher1978: started a Cloudscape for #cam12 http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloudscape/view/2403 pls feel free to create and share-> @gconole should be v happy :)Chahira Nouira
JISC funded Learner Use of Online Educational Resources for Learning (LUOERL) http://bit.ly/HEKTBu (report at bottom of page) #cam12Martin Hawksey
RT @joecar: Teachers in schools should have a look at interactive open resources #cam12 http://orbit.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/Main_Pagemlirotterdam
RT @ProcessArtsUAL: Academic publishing: Open sesame #jiscdiglit #cam12 #ukoerThe Economist http://econ.st/GHk3NqJoe Wilson
RT @dkernohan: Nice @POERUP7 report on national OER policies here, for people look for an overview http://bit.ly/HPoJPQ #cam12Peter Reed
@Anna_De_Liddo - thanks, NAM project http://blogs.arts.ac.uk/conflictandmedia/ - bring together the photographic, film, and the journalistic - #cam12Chris Follows
http://writingcommons.org an OER for writers, an open textbook, with print on demand coming soon #cam12 pitched at HE u/g and p/ggregory doyle
Barry Philips (Sero Consulting) - POERUP: Policies for OER Uptake: Cloud at http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/6238 #cam12 #oer #policyRobert Farrow
the #cam12 twitter community http://bit.ly/HMl07s Top bridges @dkernohan @wfvanvalkenburg @gconole @JackieCarter Data> http://bit.ly/HWMqFoMartin Hawksey
Full size process.arts timeline 2006 to now and lots of stats process.arts, #cam12 - I’m no John Snow! - http://www.chrisfollows.com/timeline-main-full.jpgChris Follows
#cam12 http://orioleproject.blogspot.co.uk/p/shop_16.html saw this card game last year great resource for teaching about oerJoe Wilson
#cam12 looks good for supporting academic writing http://writingcommons.org/Joe Wilson
Lovely adapted map graphic for writing commons: http://bit.ly/IQtTLf #cam12 (has he seen the latest Economist cover, I wonder?)David Kernohan
Nice - Geographies of the World's Knowledge #cam12http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/publications/convoco_geographies_en.pdfnataliafay
#cam12 nice resource for art and edtech http://process.arts.ac.uk/Joe Wilson
Sarah Atkinson talking about the Sally Potter film archive http://sallypotter.com/sp-ark/ #cam12Julian Prior
WOeRK from Plymouth CPD #oer #cam12 http://cpdoer.net/Tim Seal
RT @philosopher1978: History of Philosophy ebook was one of the most popular OERs by #humbox #oer #cam12 #philosophy http://humbox.ac.uk/2192/Beck Pitt
This is great company is remixing all the learning content here http://www.ocwconsortium.org/ #cam12 Many folks don't know this content existsJoe Wilson
http://www.castalia.co.jp/en/ #cam12 great products that helped school learning continue post tsunamiJoe Wilson
RT @twitthaus: OER Knowledge cloud https://oerknowledgecloud.com/ #cam12Laura Czerniewicz
The PARIS project at http://bit.ly/J4LvCv Uni of Nottingham #cam12Jackie Carter
#cam12 https://oerknowledgecloud.com/ research on oer which can be searched on author, title, keyword. 300+ strong content so far.ChrisPegler
RT @tjbliss: #cam12 #opencontent just added and connected the Open Education Group (http://openedgroup.org) to Evidence Hub (http://ci.olnet.org/)Robert Farrow
#cam12 Join the mapping exercise at http://ci.olnet.org/ #oerRobert Farrow
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