Monday, December 12, 2011

Opening the doors at EduTechLand

(photo courtesy anpimental via flickr)
Come on in, the door is open!  I've started this blog as a place for conversations about education and technology and anything related.  I plan to post about my progress in the Masters in Education program that I am undertaking at Bishop Grosseteste University College where I also work as an e-Learning Resource Developer. 

I'm also looking forward to using this blog to interact with the network of people on the Massive Open Online Course called Change: Education, Learning, and Technology! More information about the course can be found here. I'm joining the course which is already in progress and have been catching up with the previous sessions. I will be posting some notes and reflections from that material soon and look forward to some feedback from the other participants.

In the mean time, here's a short video of one my very early inspirations, Isaac Asimov.  Unfortunately, this clip starts mid sentence but there are a few nice bits in there.  Enjoy!

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